People seeking asylum have limited access to legal aid and are often ill-equipped to face such an unforgiving system. It is dehumanising and leaves people feeling passive and powerless. Refugee Action approached us to create a campaign that would remind people of the true meaning of 'asylum'.
The UK asylum system is flawed. The percentage of people waiting longer than six months to get their decision keeps on rising. People seeking asylum have limited access to legal aid and are often ill equipped to face such an unforgiving system. It is dehumanising and leaves people feeling passive and powerless.
The ‘Stand up for asylum’ campaign reminds people of the true meaning of ‘asylum’. We encourage our audience to see people seeking asylum for what they are: people like themselves looking for a safe place to call home. We asked people to stand up and call on the government to change the system.
There have been 67,000 petition signatures to date for Lift the Ban and 6,500 total campaign actions taken under Stand Up For Asylum.