
Reconnect With You - Maybelline New York Brave Together


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Maybelline New York

Reconnect With You

As time spent on social media increases, self-esteem worsens. And young people especially are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety because of it. But, surprisingly, 40% of young people actually look to social media for mental health resources. Perpetuating a vicious cycle that needs to be broken.

Our film ‘Reconnect With You’ for Maybelline New York’s Brave Together initiative spotlights the two sides of social media. Reassuring young people that, while social media can often add to our lives, if it does start to have a negative impact on your mental health then it’s okay to reach out. The campaign signposts young people to Ditch The Label - the internet’s safe space to go for support when social media stops feeling good.

The mental impact of social media isn’t black and white

While the correlation between social media scrolling hours and self esteem runs negative, for 40% of young people platforms double up as self-help search engines. Perhaps surprisingly, they use these spaces to source mental health advice.

Guided by Gen Z

We established a creative council made up of our target audience, working continually with them throughout the creative process. The 16-24 year olds helped guide the creative concept and gave us deeper insight about the dual power of social media - how it can simultaneously help you shine and dim your light.

Collaborating with our council, it became clear that we needed to create a judgement-free film. One that wouldn’t label heavy social media activity as bad per se, but plays out the familiar two-sided story. Part of this was including a nod to the value of self-connection, something many felt they lost in the thick of socials.

‘Reconnect With You’ does just this. And encourages young people to examine how their own social media habits make them feel and seek support via Ditch the Label when they need it.

Telling a complex story, simply

Through a cinematic narrative, we explore the life of Isla, our lead, through multiple vignettes. We flow between her behaviour and state of mental health, seeing the effect of her engagement with social media. Importantly, these moments remain empathetic as we deepen our understanding of her experience.

Each vignette reveals two influences of social media. In one, she uses it ‘healthily’, trying out tutorials and capturing real-life moments. In the other, ‘unhealthy’ habits play out as she scrutinises her appearance, mindlessly scrolls and loses her sense of self in the process. By appearing alongside each other, we amplify the contrast and invite our audience to reflect on which feels more familiar – perhaps both.

As the piece evolved, we consulted our council to make sure it felt true to their lives from locations to messaging style. The more this film resonates, the more young people we can nudge toward professional mental health support.

Keen to not end on gloom and doom-scrolling, our hopeful ending with direction towards Ditch the Label sat well with our creative council. As did planting the seed that there is free, professional 1:1 mental health support out there, for us.

To bring this vision to life, we partnered with production house, Spindle, who continued to gain insights from the cast for wardrobe and style. Moving away from a glossy digital camera production, the film was shot on 35mm to create a grainer, less polished finish, adding another layer of authenticity.