
More than one in seven (17.6 million) U.S. households experience food insecurity at some time during the year. Feeding America approached us to help put a face to hunger and bring to life the findings from their latest Hunger in America study.
When a lot of people hear the word 'hunger', they often think of the most impoverished areas on the planet, not necessarily America. In fact, more than one in seven (17.6 million) U.S. households experience food insecurity at some time during the year. Feeding America approached us to help put a face to hunger and bring to life the findings from their latest Hunger in America study.
We created a website that follows the story of four individuals as they try to balance a healthy and varied diet with the pressures of medical bills, low wages and education. As the user scrolls, the characters walk through a variety of scenes and infographics animate into view. Each scene highlights key facts from the Hunger in America report that relate to the story’s characters. The website also shows the important work that Feeding America is carrying out across the country. Even with advanced animation techniques, the website works smoothly across different devices.
The site was launched to coincide with Hunger in America’s ‘Tough Choices’ campaign and received over 20,000 visitors and 10,000 engagements on Facebook in that first month alone. The site continues to attract visitors to date from all states across the US, and successfully shows the plight of American citizens facing tough choices everyday.