Let's face it. New Year’s resolutions are usually farfetched and unsustainable. Most people give up by mid-February. So, we worked with Sky and WWF to get people to make a New Year's resolution with a lasting impact - to cut down on single-use plastics.
Single-use plastic products have littered the headlines in recent years. In addition to being bad for the environment, the amount of plastic in the ocean continues to grow - affecting wildlife and humans alike. Sky and WWF asked us to create an end-of-year campaign that encourages people to cut down on single-use plastics going into 2020.
New Year’s resolutions have a notoriously high failure rate. About 80% of people fail to keep their resolutions — and most lose their resolve by mid-February. We created a simple but provocative campaign that contrasts the permanence of single-use plastics with the short-lived nature of new year resolutions. To do this, we used clichéd images of January resolutions doomed to fail, combined with distressing images of plastic pollution in our oceans and asked our audience one simple question: “Will your resolution last beyond January? Single used plastic will…”
Using the two sets of imagery together helped to make it abundantly clear to our audience that this new year their will power would be much better spent on simple plastic reducing measures, rather than lofty resolutions that usually don’t last longer than a month.