video views


The RSPO wanted to facilitate a global industry shift towards sustainably sourced palm oil, and to do so, needed to engage industries' core consumers in the subject. They asked us to develop a digital campaign targeted at core consumers in the US.
Palm oil is in 50% of the products we use, but how many of us know how it’s sourced, and what the environmental and societal impacts are? The RSPO wants to facilitate a global industry shift towards sustainably sourced palm oil, and to do so, needed to engage industries' core consumers in the subject.
After the success of the Guardian Palm Oil interactive, RSPO asked us to develop a digital campaign targeted to these core consumers in the US. We commissioned the artist Jess Dance to knit us three different foods which were known to contain palm oil, and from there developed a bank of content, including stop motion films, gifs and static images, and a simple interactive website introducing people to the issue. We then seeded these out on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and US foodie and lifestyle blogs.
The campaign ran over the course of a month, and in that time reached 2.4 million people across Facebook, IG and YouTube, with a total of 339,832 video views. Those who went on to the website spent more than 1 minute browsing the information and often went on to explore more Guardian interactives and the RSPO website.