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Water is often overlooked when it comes to the climate emergency. We worked with IWMI to create a compelling animation that tells the story of the important role that water has in tackling the climate crisis.
Despite growing global attention to the climate crisis, water’s critical role is continually overlooked in climate discourse. But bringing water into the climate conversation has never been so critical. Especially considering that for most of us, climate change will be experienced through water; unpredictable rains, droughts, floods, disruptions  to food systems, lack of clean drinking water. We needed to develop an animation to increase the profile of water’s importance in climate discussions.
We came up with the idea of using water as the main character, telling the story from its perspective. It allowed us to establish an emotional connection with the audience, and an understanding of the wider issues. Like the message, we also wanted the visuals to be simple and ensure that the focus remained on water in each and every scene. We spent time experimenting with shapes, brushes and movement, making sure water felt like a fluid and believable character. The final outcome resulted in a precious-element like texture that reflected the value and importance of water to our future.